
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


10.19 Dronetonics & TuT @Bobwundaye

10.19 Dronetonics & TuT @Bobwundaye

Dronetonics 又回來囉!!! 這次他們會帶來什麼樣不同的音樂? TuT也會一起來. 這個禮拜六就讓我們在怪異的美好總帶點酸甜的滋味裡享受音樂吧!

- Dronetonics -
Dronetonics is a two-piece live electronic, synth-based band composed of Lars Berry and Crystal Shien. Songs are composed and lyrics written collaboratively. Songs occasionally include live instrumentation, mainly percussion, and on more recent works, vocal harmonies are achieved. Dronetonics formed in late 2011,
with Berry playing several solo shows in early 2012 before being joined by Shien in June 2012. Dronetonics are often characterized as having most distinctly a minimal synth sound, but song styles vary widely into the new wave, doom wave and synth pop genres. Dronetonics self-released its debut EP, titled Six Months, in early May 2013. Dronetonics is based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Dronetonics成員為Lars Berry與Crystal Shien,為雙人編制的現場電子,鍵盤與合成效果為主的樂團。歌曲及歌詞皆為共同創作。他們的歌曲結合現場演奏與節拍,在其最近的作品當中,更進一步加入更多人聲合唱的元素。 Dronetonics成立於2011年的尾聲,團員之一Lars Berry以solo形態於2012初開始演出,隨後Crystal Shien於2012年的六月正式加入。Dronetonics以擁有鮮明的minimal synth風格為特色, 但是歌曲風格廣泛涵括new wave,doom wave以及synth pop等類型。 Dronetonics成立於台北,台灣。其首張EP" Six Months" 已於2013年五月初獨立發行。

- TuT -

Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
50NT off on first drink 附五十元折價卷

Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業
